Tuesday, October 4, 2011


drawing anime eyes
drawing anime eyes step 1


 A member said that they would appreciate if I would include a snapshot of what I use to draw with. For this lesson I used four tools, a high polyester eraser, and three different pencils used for drawing and shading as well as creating darkened lines in certain areas.
drawing anime eyes step 2


 This sketched diagram or tip shows you how the angle of a common anime eye should look from top to bottom. As you can see the eye slants a bit inward for added expression.
drawing anime eyes step 3


 For this type of anime eye, the character is most likely feeling strain, confusion, sadness, or pain. The ends of the eyes squeeze in a pinched fashion to give off this type of expression.
drawing anime eyes step 4


 When drawing or coloring in the eyes, you will almost always have to leave a spot or two uncolored. This is to add the shine or glare factor for the anime eye as I point out to you here in this example.
drawing anime eyes step 5


 For a less intense glare effect, shade in the area to be whitened out but keep some of the color inside of the eye. This will end up looking like a faded part of the eye glare or shine.
drawing anime eyes step 6


 Let's begin drawing anime eyes shall we? Since there is more than six eyes, you will need to make ten different top lid lines. Each one is different in shape, size, and thickness.
drawing anime eyes step 7


 You will now sketch out or draw the shape of each anime eye like you see here. Some of the eyes have eyebrows and lids exposed as you see here depending on the expression that are giving off.
drawing anime eyes step 8


 Lastly, draw in the pupils, glare shape, and color or shade in the eyes the way you see them here. You can choose to draw one or two eyes, or the whole set it all depends on the type of anime or manga eye you are looking for.
drawing anime eyes step 9


 And this is the finished hand sketched sheet of sketching paper that I drew my anime eyes on. Did you enjoy this lesson or what? I hope so because I know I had a blast teaching you all the secrets to drawing anime eyes.


how to draw a doll face, porcelain doll
how to draw a doll face, porcelain doll step 1


 Begin this step like all the other face tutorials you have followed in the past. Begin with a circle and then add the facial guidelines.
how to draw a doll face, porcelain doll step 2


 Sketch out the actual shape of the doll's face and then draw in the chin and fat along the cheeks.
how to draw a doll face, porcelain doll step 3


 Using the facial guidelines you will begin drawing out the shapes of the dolls eyes. Be sure to add the crease above the left eye, and draw in the bold or thick lashes on the closed right eye.
how to draw a doll face, porcelain doll step 4


 Sketch out the nose which is in a triangular shape, and draw in the long crack lines, as well as the nostril holes, and eye lashes.
how to draw a doll face, porcelain doll step 5


 For the last step, draw out the doll's mouth and or lips which are small and kind of full. You will also need to sketch out the creases, frown lines, and chin dimple too. Lastly color in the empty eye hole and start cleaning up the drawing by erasing mistakes and guides.
how to draw a doll face, porcelain doll step 6


 This is the finished doll face when you are done. Color it in using the shades like I did, and you have yourself one heck of a drawing.


how to draw an easy pegasus
how to draw an easy pegasus step 1


 Start by making a circle for the head, and then add a connecting shape for the body like you see here. Lastly, draw in some facial guidelines.
how to draw an easy pegasus step 2


 Now you will start sketching out the shape of this easy Pegasus face, and head like so. When that is done start drawing out the body, and then draw the tail like so.
how to draw an easy pegasus step 3


 Here is where you will start sketching in the horses mane, and notice how I drew it hanging over the forehead for added cuteness. When that is done, you can go ahead and draw in the ears, eyes, and nostril holes. Lastly, draw out all the legs and include the hooves.
how to draw an easy pegasus step 4


 Yes, you have made it to the last drawing step. All you need to do is finish drawing the eyes and mane, and then add some detailing on the hooves, and then draw out the flying wings like so. Once that is done erase the lines and shapes you drew in step one to clean up the drawing, and to add last minute detailing to the tail.
how to draw an easy pegasus step 5


 Here it is guys, your finished drawing in an easy Pegasus. I hope you had fun as much as I did. Now you can color in your fantasy creature so you can proceed onto a new drawing challenge.


how to draw michael jackson
how to draw michael jackson step 1


 Draw the basic guidelines and shapes for the frame of Michael Jackson the way you see them here. A circle for his head and then the facial guidelines. Next draw the circle shape for his torso and then add the arm, and leg limb guidelines as you see them here.
how to draw michael jackson step 2


 Start sketching out the shape and style of his hat and the side view of his face which will be mostly hidden.
how to draw michael jackson step 3


 Begin detailing and defining his hat as well as sketching out his long curly hair style that he was famous for. When that is done you can then draw out and detail his ear.
how to draw michael jackson step 4


 Remember guys you can enlarge the steps to see exactly what I am drawing so keep that in mind. What you will do now is sketch out the hair on the back of Jacksons head and then begin sketching out the white t-shirt he is wearing under his black jacket. Be sure to add the wrinkle and crease line to make his clothes ook alive and loose.
how to draw michael jackson step 5


 Sketch out the rest of his jacket as you see it done here and them draw out teh left hand. Detail and define the coat around the shoulders as well as the front part of the blazer.
how to draw michael jackson step 6


 You will now begin sketching out the pants and notice that he is grabbing his crotch which is another famous move of his. Be sure to wrinkle up the pants as they are loose fitting.
how to draw michael jackson step 7


 For your last drawing step you will complete the shape and style of his pants which includes the shapes of his legs, and then draw out the other hand which is the hand he wears his glove on. I will fix the hand later on today because I know it looks a little funky. Draw the shoes and then start erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.
how to draw michael jackson step 8


 Your sketch should come out looking like the one you see here. When it is cleaned up you can color him in and you have yourself a finished tutorial on "how to draw Michael Jackson" step by step.

Monday, September 26, 2011

How to put LOGO In URL of WEBSITE

Have you ever noticed that when you visit some web site, there is an icon small (little) image that shows (appears) at the top of your browser?

If you have, today you are going to learn how to install an icon picture for your web site, so when users visit your website, you can put your logo. Even better when a visitor bookmarks your url, the browser automatically saves in their favorites to identify your site. 

Here is how to do this: 

1. If you have windows, open paint. You can find it in:
Start > Programs > Accessories
2. Set the dimensions to 24x24 pixels: in Image > Attributes (Control - E) 

3. Set Width to 24 and Height to 24 and Click Ok.
post picture 

4. To help you create and edit your image better, zoom paint to the highest zoom which is 800%.
To do this, go to View > Zoom > Custom and Select 800% 

5. Create your logo or whatever you want your icon to look like: 

6. After you have created your image, save as "favicon.ico" 

7. Now all you have to do is upload the favicon.ico image to your website root directory. The root directory is the main folder where all your files reside at, like your main index page. Some hosting companies will provide a directory called "html" or "public" or "web" "public_html". You MUST upload to your website root directory, otherwise, your browser will look for the favicon.ico image, will not find it and it will not display it on your browser.

put the following HTML code in between your <head> tags with the follwowing code:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />

8. Now that you have uploaded to your root directory, you are done. 

DEMO: http://www.ctechdept.co.in/favicon.ico 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

When and why do we celebrate Engineer's Day?

September 15 is celebrated every year in India as Engineer's Day to commemorate the birthday of the legendary engineer Sir M. Visvesvaraya (1861-1962).

Internationally recognised for his genius in harnessing water resources, he was responsible for successful design and construction of several river dams, bridges and implementing irrigation and drinking water schemes all over India.

He served as the dewan of Mysore State and was considered to be the architect of the all-round development of Karnataka.

Among his most successful projects are the design and construction of the K.R. Sagar dam and its adjoining Brindavan Gardens, turn-around of the Bhadravati Iron and Steel Works, setting up of the Mysore Sandalwood Oil Factory and the founding of the Bank of Mysore.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Increase your RAM and so system speed -SBX

1). Start any application, say Word. Open some large documents.

2). Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to open Windows Task Manager and click Processes tab and sort the list in descending order on Mem Usage. You will notice that WINWORD.EXE will be somewhere at the top, using multiple MBs of memory.

3). Now switch to Word and simply minimize it. (Don’t use the Minimize All Windows option of the task bar).

4). Now go back to the Windows Task Manager and see where WINWORD.EXE is listed. Most probably you will not find it at the top. You will typically have to scroll to the bottom of the list to find Word. Now check out the amount of RAM it is using. Surprised? The memory utilization has reduced by a huge amount.

5). Minimize each application that you are currently not working on by clicking on the Minimize button & you can increase the amount of available RAM by a substantial margin. Depending upon the number and type of applications you use together, the difference can be as much as 50 percent of extra RAM.

In any multitasking system, minimizing an application means that it won’t be utilized by the user right now. Therefore, the OS automatically makes the application use virtual memory & keeps bare minimum amounts of the code in physical RAM.